Custom CRM development

What we offer

Custom CRM development is increasingly becoming a must-have for an enterprise with big-time aspirations. Why? Because, as a rule, boxed customer relationship management solutions are garden variety products meant to satisfy everybody and end up pleasing no one. As a CRM development company specializing in bespoke software products in the niche, DICEUS can deliver you a product that will suit your organization to a tee and take your client service to a new level. This result can be attained by equipping the CRM with the following functionality roster.


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This module is honed to upscale the quality and speed of lead processing and obtain complete visibility across the entire cycle of the sales pipeline. Thanks to it, your personnel can always have all customer and potential client data at their fingertips, monitor ongoing negotiations and keep track of sales permanently.


The overarching goal of this CRM unit is to enable your marketing department to generate leads, nurture them, and take people all the way down the conversion funnel. It is a second-to-none collection of tools to segment consumers into categories as well as launch and manage personalized campaigns via multiple interaction channels.

Customer support

Keeping the clientele satisfied is the primary objective of every business. This module excels at setting up a comprehensive contact center where people can write or call to solve problems. We ensure it is provided with multi-channel case capture, rule-governed case routing, and prompt access of its staff to a relevant knowledge base.

Customer self-service

The lion’s share of issues clients encounter is petty or standard ones that don’t require any personal intrusion from the staff. This module creates a virtual venue for customers to swiftly find answers to the typical queries themselves. Thus, your qualified employees can focus on solving more serious problems without being distracted by elementary ones.


Sales histories, advanced calendars, and other sources of data serve as a departure point in the study of previous campaigns and sales trends. Such an analysis lays the foundations for predicting future demand or customer behavior, allowing your employees to get actionable insights and devise marketing strategies correspondingly.


The unit is empowered to generate various reports that relate to all spheres of operation of your organization, including sales performance, revenue forecast, lead source analysis, marketing campaign analysis, CRM pipeline analysis, sales activity, and customer service. Information in them is leveraged to increase ROI and improve internal workflow.

High-profile customer relationship management is the key to the business success of modern enterprises. In our digital age, it is impossible without reliance on efficient software honed to streamline all shop floor processes and assist personnel in their work.

CRM development services provided by DICEUS can let you obtain a top-notch custom solution tailored to match all your organization’s needs and the specifics of your business domain. This product will allow you to augment customer service, gain new clients while retaining the old ones, and step up all elements of the workflow routine.

Custom CRM development

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Custom CRM development

Benefits of custom CRM development

Today, entering any industry’s major league of business is impossible without employing a robust and efficient CRM. Realizing this simple truth, small companies and startups on short commons often go for off-the-shelf solutions, considering them the best option. However, as a seasoned CRM software development company, DICEUS is sure that a custom solution can bring more perks to enterprises of all sizes.


Custom solutions are more expensive. But by acquiring them, you pay only for the functionalities you need for your company without splurging on numerous features and modules you will never use. Besides, when you get a boxed CRM, you buy just a license or subscription, which will have to be renewed now and then for a pretty penny too. With a bespoke solution, you pay only once and enjoy it forever and a day.


Since off-the-shelf solutions have a great number of excessive default functionalities, mastering them takes quite a long time and much effort. By contrast, a custom CRM contains only the modules the customer commissioned and will use. Naturally, such a product has a rather mild learning curve. Plus, a company’s personnel is sure to need less time to learn the ropes so that the system can be put into operation soon after its deployment.


Boxed CRMs work under a license and thus function like carved-in-stone solutions that you will have to use in the form they were created with no chance to change anything. However, unlike these rock-solid products, a custom CRM is totally your own brainchild, free to be customized, modified, and integrated with other enterprise or third-party software your organization employs. And you don’t have to configure it to play well with other elements of your IT ecosystem.


The contemporary business and technological landscape is highly changeable, and this volatility will only increase soon. Moreover, your company also undergoes constant evolution, growing its product scope and expanding market reach. Ready-made CRM solutions can’t be modified to keep abreast of such changes, while bespoke software can be upscaled and upgraded in terms of the platform, integration potential, and feature roster.

How we work with custom CRM development projects

DICEUS is a competent vendor with a dozen years of experience and numerous completed projects under our belt. The high-level skills of our seasoned mavens and the state-of-the-art tech stack they leverage allow them to deliver software of premium quality. How do we tackle the development of custom CRM solutions?

ConsultingDelivering a good product is impossible without total awareness of the niche and the organization where it will function. We start our custom CRM development by interviewing future users and doing industry research. In this way, we get to know the major challenges of the realm and specifics of the particular customer we work for.
Discovery phaseHaving obtained a general idea of the field we are going to enter, we zoom in on the future project. Together with the customer, we identify the major needs of the company. In accordance with them, we pinpoint the project’s scope, goals, limitations, and deliverables to build the most result-driven product for the particular business case.
CRM strategyWhen we know what to aim for, we shape a comprehensive strategy for creating a CRM to fit the stipulated requirements. It contains a detailed roadmap of the project, the architecture of the solution to build, its functionalities, integrations as well as UI with the dashboard the client would like to have. Every element is assigned a certain timeframe for creation.
DevelopmentThis is the core of the custom CRM creation process, which takes the longest to complete. At this stage, our experts materialize every element of the future solution by implementing drafted architecture, designing the front end, and developing the back end. During it, special attention is paid to the seamless integration of the newly-built CRM with the current infrastructure and third-party software.
Testing and launchWhen the solution is ready, it should be thoroughly tested to guarantee its security and protect it from penetration attempts or accidental data leakages. When all vulnerabilities have been exposed and eliminated, it is time to deploy the CRM. After it is launched, we never call it a day but continue to provide support and maintenance services as long as the customer needs our help.

What impacts your project duration

Building custom software is never an overnight endeavor, but how soon will you be able to get the final product? To answer this question, we need to know the following information:

  • Project requirements
  • Anticipated deadlines
  • Team composition
  • Selected platforms and technologies
  • Allocated budget

What affects your project costs

Custom CRM development cost is an aggregated figure that can be accurately calculated when we are aware of the following:

  • Necessary tech stack
  • Project scope and complexity
  • The urgency of project completion
  • Engagement model you opt for (Dedicated Team or Time and Material)
  • The roster of features to develop

What we need from your side

If you are interested in obtaining a first-class bespoke CRM solution within the stipulated time and budget, giving a task and forgetting about the product until its completion is the wrong approach. We expect close cooperation on your part, during which you should inform us about the following:

  • The project vision, goals, and roadmap (if you have drawn it)
  • High-level requirements for the final product
  • Existing documentation on the project (such as software architecture, mockups, etc.)
  • Project deadlines
  • Your availability for requirements gathering sessions (as a rule, a couple of hours per week)

Our tech stack

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Frequently asked questions

Why build a custom CRM?

Boxed solutions are meant for the average user and thus may not fit the requirements of your particular organization. Plus, such solutions can’t be modified if your needs change. On the other hand, when commissioning a bespoke CRM, you will get only the features you will use and are free to tweak them when the shifting business and technological environment demands it.

What is the CRM development process?

It starts at the consulting and discovery phase when software developers research the subject and interview the end users to understand the challenges of the domain as well as the project scope and goals. With this information on the table, IT specialists map out the development strategy, draw a plan, and implement it. Then, they test the solution and launch it into operation.

How to create a custom CRM?

It is a no-nonsense job that requires a deep awareness of the niche the product will be used in and the technical aspects of its creation. These two must be aligned to obtain a first-rate solution. If the quality of the final product is your top priority, it is wise to entrust the task of building a custom CRM to vetted mavens in the field with experience in creating such software.

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