ERP project for Total Image Group

  • erp project for total image group ico useful reporting

    Useful reporting
  • erp project for total image group ico boosted sales

    Boosted sales
  • erp project for total image group ico workflow tweak

    Workflow tweak

Project overview

The current eCommerce market environment is unforgiving and filled with savvy competitors. An ambitious eCommerce player must be able to properly monitor and manage shifting customer demands to sustain and develop the online business. ERP or Enterprise Resource Planning solutions help companies keep the customer experiences they provide in check and enhance specifics aspects through analysis and optimization.

Client information

Total Image Group (TIG) is an Australian retail provider of work clothes and uniforms that puts a heavy emphasis on sustainable fashion. The main goal of the company is to distribute authentic, high-quality professional wear created using eco-friendly technologies and approaches. TIG is partners with a many corporate names, like Ford, Miele, Pandora, and others.

erp project for total image group img project overview

Business challenge

The retail company, with an operating eCommerce store in hand, needed something that would help focus efforts on smoothing out the sales funnel and how customers go through it. Our team decided that the custom ERP system is the best solution for a retail company looking to optimize customer experience and boost conversion rates. In the long run, a more in-depth analysis of user behavior and customer traits helps adjust customer functionality to achieve an ultimately convenient, hence profits-boosting user interface (and UX as a result).

Technical challenges

We had a global task of building a business-specific custom ERP system to help TIG optimize sales and get a better grasp on the customers of their uniform selling eCommerce. At the very beginning, we had a legacy application that the company had been using before. We took it as a rough foundation and modernized the basic capabilities with software platform migration. We also added new hardcoded features and capabilities. All in all, we implemented a full-cycle web software development project with DevOps and manual testing.

Solution delivered

A custom ERP for the Total Image Group is a resource planning system for integration with an eCommerce managing enterprise that should boost internal processes, smooth out the workflow, and better adjust customer experience to reach higher conversion rates. The system is an integrated web application for in-house use where managers and other company employees can track metrics, check sales and other statistics, compile reports, and more.

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Key features

erp project for total image group img key future
  • Analytics tools

    The system features efficient data analysis tools that help gather valuable info in one place, organize, analyze, and convert it into insights.

  • Data monitoring

    Track crucial business metrics. Track, store, and analyze financial data, and send data batches for reports via a convenient interface.

  • CRM features

    The custom ERP can also be used to track and manage customer information – history, contacts, orders, and other insights.

  • SCM optimization

    ERP affects supply chain management most positively with inventory, demand, and logistics tracking opportunities.

Value to our client

  • Useful reporting

    Reports generated based on the processed batches of information gathered during the eCommerce activity.

  • Boosted sales

    There are features that help sales and marketing specialists better manage sales, forecasts, commissions, and even lead generation.

  • Workflow tweak

    The company can ultimately make the digital workflow smoother and more efficient with a convenient ERP interface.

Our tech stack

  • tech thumbnail .NET 
  • angular js Angular
  • tech thumbnail MSSQL 
  • tech thumbnail Umbraco 
  • tech thumbnail DevExpress 

Software solutions bringing business values

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